Bubble Craps Dice Control

4/10/2022by admin

At the Flamingo, they recorded every roll on the craps table At some point, the professor picks up the dice for the first time. He rolls 17 passes-And then puts the dice down and WALKS AWAY. They were only betting table minimum. But the other players around the table took the house for more than $10,000, which was a lot of money in those days. The bubble’s floor vibrates for a few seconds causing the dice to gently shake and bounce. The shooter presses the big red “Shoot” button at his/her station to “shoot” the dice. When the button is pushed, the bubble’s floor causes the dice to pop into the air, and tumble slightly to produce a random roll. Now, regarding using Bubble Craps to run up status points at a fixed or mostly-fixed cost, is this a viable substitute for the relatively high variance VP? I'm guessing no. This is because Bubble Craps is far slower than VP, so it's probably much slower to accumulate tier credits. Take a $2/credit VP game, played at max credits. Highly configurable - control virtually every aspect of the game! ALL the bets found on most craps tables! Odds allowed up to 9999x! Unique tools to learn, play, and analyze craps! Numerous automatic features such as take/lay odds, handle winning and/or losing bets! An exclusive 'Auto-Betting' feature - program your own strategy to play.

  1. Craps Dice Control
  2. Craps Dice Control Advice
  3. Craps Dice Setting Chart

After some more research and doing a bit of math I do not think there is an advantagable edge here.

Thankyou for your further contribution and admission, it really was an interesting concept, just a hard one to grok.

a hard one to grok.

I learned a new word, Fleastiff!
the next time Dame Fortune toys with your heart, your soul and your wallet, raise your glass and praise her thus: “Thanks for nothing, you cold-hearted, evil, damnable, nefarious, low-life, malicious monster from Hell!” She is, after all, stone deaf. ... Arnold Snyder
couple of things.
first i have played on them and actually made money. There are long rolls and short rolls
just like on a real table.
I personally think their rigged because a number of times i have seen the dice almost settle on one number
and then all of a sudden roll over like there is a magnet affect. Could be in my head, but i saw
this. Also my last trip to Laughflin , my feet were sore so i played it awhile
and had a real long roll, much longer than i had at any real table.... but the betting limits were so low
i could only make a little.
IT also provides decent comp play.
I love the bubble machine - it's how I learned the game... I still spend a couple of hours playing each trip, some of the tables can get pretty wild on the good rolls.... put in $100, roll for an hour or two, a few free beers - life is good....
I presume the OP is referring to the machine (casino) manipulating the results (magnets, whatever) to make the game something other than random.
I do not believe that this is the case.
Obviously, the players cannot influence or control the dice in any way.
I have not played bubble craps and don't think I'll start.
I Also think there is a magnet, sometimes the dice will just stop suddenly from full motion.
It appears to me that it is possible to reduce the variability by hitting the button when one die is relatively flat and showing a particular number. The table only shoots the dice straight up.
Whether this actually makes a difference, I don’t know, but I did have an exceptional roll, and several rolls of 10+ shots using it.
Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication - Leonardo da Vinci

It appears to me that it is possible to reduce the variability by hitting the button when one die is relatively flat and showing a particular number. The table only shoots the dice straight up.
Whether this actually makes a difference, I don’t know, but I did have an exceptional roll, and several rolls of 10+ shots using it.

I would have to guess you raised some eyebrows.
Less variance? Meh. Change the distribution of possible outcomes? Now you're talking!
Edit: rereading that, you say 'variability', not 'variance', so maybe you did mean changing outcomes. I'd be working on that if I were you.

Craps Dice Control

the next time Dame Fortune toys with your heart, your soul and your wallet, raise your glass and praise her thus: “Thanks for nothing, you cold-hearted, evil, damnable, nefarious, low-life, malicious monster from Hell!” She is, after all, stone deaf. ... Arnold Snyder

I Also think there is a magnet, sometimes the dice will just stop suddenly from full motion.

No offense, but for those who genuinely think this, why the hell are you going anywhere near a casino? If you accept that there are magnets in here, how could you trust a regular table doesn’t have loaded dice, that blackjack decks are fair, that slot machine software is fair, etc etc?
Did somebody say magnets ?
Who needs magnets when pins will do the job?
  • Page 3 of 4

Dice Control Guides

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I wrote a about a few tips in my main dice setting guide but I will go though a few more that I did not mention and explain in further detail on how to get better at controlling the dice. Much of this advice will be helpful to get you into a good state of mind when going to the casino and to become more confident in your skills once you have already learned the basics.

The first thing you will notice when you place craps is the social environment which involves lots of noise, excitement and also distractions. This is one thing that novice players need to get used to. Even intermediate and advanced players can get caught up and lose concentration of their dice throwing abilities. So the first tip and word of advice is to start off by wagering the minimum table limit bet until you get warmed up enough.

A few things to look for when you are warming up are to see how far the dice bounce after hitting the opposite padded wall. If they are really bouncy, this is bad. If they do not bounce as much, then the dice and table are good to stay at. Sometimes casinos change the padding or the clothed felt on the table and this can alter the way the dice get thrown. The more they bounce around, the less control you have. Once you find a good table, it is best to stick with that table and keep going there whenever you play at the casino.

One thing to watch for is when the dealer changes the dice. The dice eventually get worn down and need to be replaced with ones with sharp edges and corners as well as crisp faces. Typically the dice will be changed at the end of a shift. It turns out that these fresh dice are great for dice setting and you can get more control because they have a good grip and have a good reaction when they hit the table or wall. They even work better when players try to use the backspin technique. So it is a good tip to join and throw the dice when they are fresh.

Now for a few tips regarding the social aspects of the game. Typically, players will side up with the shooter and bet for them to win. These players are known as 'right' players since they bet with the shooter on the pass line and come bar. So naturally, these players are going to be cheering on the shooter (the person throwing the dice) for them to win.

So if you are a 'wrong' player, you would be better on the don't pass and don't come bets, which are against the shooter. Many times you will also be betting against everyone else there too. Honestly though, the don't pass line bet is better than the pass line bet in terms of house edge and mathematical probabilities, so it is up to you if you want to give into peer pressure or follow the best odds. Eventually, you may get people to walk away from the table which will speed up the game. This is beneficial for dice setters since they get more chances at throwing the dice when there are fewer people around.

The best advantage to a dice setter is to be in control of the dice as much as possible. That means being the shooter and throwing many rolls per hour. In order to do this, it would be best to play on a table with fewer people so that you get your turn at the dice more often. There are some advantages to playing on a table that is crowded though. This is because there are possibly other shooters who know how to control the dice as well and you can make some more money wagering on them. Still, you will want to make sure they have good skills or those equal or better to your own.

Another thing to be cautious of is playing on a table with no other players except yourself. If you are alone, then you will be under the exclusive watchful eye of 4 dealers. This is one of the disadvantages of playing on an empty table. The advice is to bring a friend or a few friends with you or just play on a more crowded table. Otherwise you do not want to draw too much attention from the wrong people. If you move onto a new crowded table, bet with the shooter if you want to take your turn at the dice relatively quickly.


In case you were wondering, a typical craps table goes through about 50 to 100 rolls per hour and sometimes 150 if things are going fast. Most of the time is used when dealers have to collect and pay out the winnings. To speed things up, look for table that doesn't offer complicated bets or has fewer bets on the layout. Also, do not make odd sized prop bets. Make bets in whole numbers or even numbers like $10 or $20 instead of $5.50 or $17. This will make it easier for the dealers to pay out the bets and give you more throws per hour.

Tipping the dealer in craps is extremely good etiquette since these dealers have to do a lot of work compared to other casino games. If you tip the dealer, they will also go above and beyond for you as well. Some benefits that the stickman will do for you is align the dice and set them in your usual way before give you the dice. They may also offer other gaming advice such as if accidently made the wrong bet.

Craps Dice Control Advice

Tips and Advice for Precision Shooter Dice Setting

If you are a precision shooter, there are a few things you should pay attention to since these tips can greatly improve your dice control at a specific craps table. One of the first things you should look for is if there is any padding under the table felt. Believe it or not, thicker and softer padding is actually better than no padding at all. The soft padding will have the effects of 'grabbing' the dice and keeping them from moving too much, which is a major goal for precision dice control.


Craps Dice Setting Chart

One way to check the padding is to listen to the dice. If they making a crackling noise like hitting wood or something hard, then this is bad padding. You can also test it by touching the table with your finger. Ideally, the dice should make almost no noise when they hit the table, which is a great indicator of soft padding.

Bubble Craps Dice Control

The age of the felt itself is also a big factor in precision dice setting. Usually, the older the table, the better. This is because the older felt gets worn and tends to get the dice to stick on it. This is ideal for dice control because you want the dice to cease movement quickly in order to get better control of them. One thing to note is that the felt gets changed about once per year usually and it is good advice to wait about one or two months after new felt comes in if you want extra precision.

Believe it or not, even table lengths can be a factor. A normal craps table is about 12 feet long but some are 14 feet and others are even smaller. This is only a factor that depends on what table you like best. If you prefer the long table, go for it. Typically, dice setters can adapt to new tables as well. Now for some of the bets on the table, the free odds bet is one of the best in the house. Obviously my best tip is to wager the maximum allowed odds and this applies to both precision shooters and just regular craps players.

Normally, the rules of the game require that you throw the dice hard enough to hit the other end of the table. There are pyramid shaped bumps on the padding along the walls of the craps table. These bumps are to ensure even more randomness of the throw by altering the axis of your dice when they bounce off these surfaces. One way to counteract this effect is to learn how to put a backspin on the dice. When doing a backspin, you want the dice to make contact with the table before hitting these pyramids in order to counteract the forward momentum properly.

A problem might arise if you have a short height. The original craps table was designed for taller players and this can make it harder to lean over the table and throw the dice properly. This actually makes it harder for everyone to control the dice as well and this is not an uncommon problem. Don't hesitate to ask the casino for a block or step stool to stand on as a platform. Casinos are usually aware of this kind of problem and they have these platforms readily available upon request.

Following all of these tips will greatly improve your craps game and dice control skills. They will also make your experience much more enjoyable and less stressful as this awesome game should be anyways.

Play craps online at Cherry Jackpot.

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