Pi Gao Card Game

4/3/2022by admin


Pai Gow is a gambling game played with Chinese dominoes. The set consists of all pairs of numbers from 1-1 to 6-6, with the following eleven tiles duplicated: 6-6, 6-5, 6-4, 6-1, 5-5, 5-1, 4-4, 3-3, 3-1, 2-2, 1-1. There are 32 tiles in all. Pai is the Cantonese word for a tile or card and Gow is the number nine.

Each player receives four tiles and forms them into two pairs, as does the banker. If both the player's pairs outrank the banker's pairs the player wins, if neither does the banker wins, and if just one does it is a draw.

Trick-Taking Games Trick taking games are one of the most common types of card games, and classics like Hearts and Spades are good examples. It is a game where players all have a hand of cards, and game-play revolves around a series of 'tricks', in which each trick involves everyone playing one card from their hand, with the trick typically going to the person who played the highest card. Want a super easy way to have fun with your kids on Pi Day? This Pi Day card game is great because kids of all ages can play together. Plus, there are variations to make it more challenging for older kids.

Free Pai Gow Poker casino game by the Wizard of Odds and selection of real money options. Players examine their cards and split them into two hands- a five-card hand and a two-card hand. Poker hand rankings are sustained, with one exception, A-2-3-4-5 is the second highest straight or straight flush. Five aces is the highest hand (using Joker as a wild card). For the two-card hand, the highest pair is the best hand possible.

Pai Gow should not be confused with Pai Gow Poker, which is a Californian game played with a deck of regular cards, also based on the idea of making two hands and having to win both of them.

The television show, KUNG FU: THE LEGEND CONTINUES, aired an episode entitled 'Pai Gow' on 1993 March 1 in which Caine and Peter go undercover to investigate the murders of several participants in a high-stakes Pai Gow game (Written by: John Considine; Directed by: Zale Dalen.Guest Cast: Jennifer Sung: Betsy Soo; Mr. Wu: Fred Lee; Valdosta Sam: Robert Wisden; Mr. Sung: Kam Ray Chan; Quo Chen: Robert Chang; Dirk: Shawn Lawrence). The main character, Caine, had been a Pai Gow dealer at some time in his life and they did some close up shots with fancy shuffling and dealing.

Hardcore players do not even look at their tiles; they lift them up and feel the holes in face of the tiles, reading them like braille.

The description of Pai Gow on this page was compiled by Joe Celko. An earlier version of this text was published at the Game Cabinet.

The Deal

The woodpile is four tiles high and eight tiles long. The first player to recieve a hand is determined by throw three dice. The total of the dice is counted out starting with the bank in a counter clockwise direction.

Each player is dealt a stack of four tiles from the woodpile. The house starts the game as the bank, but then can pass the bank to other players, as in Baccarat. The option to take or refuse the bank moves counter clockwise around the table.

The dealing can be elaborate. These are the possible deals ('Pai Gow cuts') allowed by the Australian Casino commission.

Yat Dong Dong(Right or Left)One Stack
Cup Say(Right or Left,
Top or Bottom)
Chee Yee(Top or Bottom)Chop the Ears
Dai Pin(Right or Left)Big Slice
Jung Quat(Top or Bottom)From the Heart
Long Tau/Fong May(Right or Left)Dragon Head/Phoenix Tail
Wui Fung Bank
Hong Kong Bank
Foot Say
Four Across
Sydney Harbour Bridge
Sydney Harbour Bridge
Ghan Dong Ping Say(Right or Left)Kangaroo Jump
Pong Yun(Right or Left)Buddhas Signal
Bo Bo Go Sing(Right or Left)Boy Walks Up Stairs
Ghan Dong Cup Say(Right or Left)Striped Tiger
Yat Kai Sum May
Chicken Three Ways
Arn Lok Peng Sar(Right or Left)Flying Dragon
Sydney Tower
Sydney Tower
China Bank
China Bank
Chong Wan Sup Lok
Sixteen Across
Seung Gwai Pak Moon
Ghost Closing the Door
Gum Un Que(Right or Left,
Front to Back)
Double Bridge

The goal of the game is to divide the four tiles into two pairs or hands. If both your pairs outrank those held by the bank, then you win your bet. If both the bank's pairs outrank yours, then you lost your bet. If one of your pairs outranks those held by the bank and the other does not, then the hand is a draw and you get your money back.

Ranking of Pairs

How do you rank your hand? It is a bit complicated, so let's start with the easy stuff first. There are 992 possible hands per player if you do the math, but because of the duplicate tiles, and the fact that order does not matter, there are actually few possible hands. Numeric order has little to do with the ranking of hands; it is symbolism and not substance. The hands are scored as follows:

1) The highest possible pair is the Gee Joon ('supreme pair'), which is made up of the two tiles:

    [4-2] and [2-1]

The [4-2] and [2-1] are the two 'wild cards' in the woodpile, and can be used as either a 3 or a 6 when making pairs (i.e. they substitute for each other). This is not the same rule that Western card games use, where a wild card substitutes for any card.

2) Under the Gee Joon are the pairs (Bo), which can be made up of matched or unmatched tiles that have the same totals. In order of rank from high to low, they are:

    PairPair name
    [6-6] and [6-6]Heaven
    [1-1] and [1-1]Earth
    [4-4] and [4-4]Man
    [3-1] and [3-1]Goose
    [5-5] and [5-5]Plum Flower
    [3-3] and [3-3]Double Three
    [2-2] and [2-2]Board
    [6-5] and [6-5]Hatchet
    [6-4] and [6-4]Red Ten
    [6-1] and [6-1]Long Leg Seven
    [5-1] and [5-1]Big Head Six
    [6-3] and [5-4]Jaap Gow - mixed nine
    [6-2] and [5-3]Jaap Bart - mixed eight
    [5-2] and [4-3]Jaap Chut - mixed seven
    [4-1] and [3-2]Jaap Ng - mixed five

There is no numeric order to this ranking, so you just have to learn them.

3) The next level of hands beneath the Bo are called Wongs. They are a nine paired with a double six or double one. The double six combinations outrank the double one combinations.

    [6-6] and [6-3]
    [6-6] and [5-4]
    [1-1] and [6-3]
    [1-1] and [5-4]

4) The third level of hands are called Gongs. They are a eight paired with a double six or double one. The double six combinations outrank the double one combinations.

    [6-6] and [6-2]
    [6-6] and [5-3]
    [6-6] and [4-4]
    [1-1] and [6-2]
    [1-1] and [5-3]
    [1-1] and [4-4]

5) If you do not have any of these hands, then add up all the pips on the two tiles and take the total, modulus ten -- i.e. keep the last digit of the total as your score. This is the part that is like Baccarat.

6) After all of this, in the event of a tie, the ranking is settled based on individual tile values. From high to low the tiles are ranked and named:

    TileTile name
    [6-3] and [5-4]Gow
    [6-2] and [5-3]Bot
    [6-1] and [5-2]Chut
    [4-2]Luk (part of Gee Joon)
    [2-1]Saam (part of Gee Joon)

The [4-2] and [2-1] tiles are scored by how they are played, but they are the lowest ranking single tiles.

Whoever has the bank keeps a marker called a 'Chung' in front of his place on the table. The bets are settled against the banker one player at a time, with the money being racked into the center of the table. In the casino game, the house provides a dealer and the bank calls out which cut he wishes to use.


About 80% of the time, you should play your hand by using the following strategy:

  1. Look for pairs and look for unmatched pairs (i.e. same totals, but different arrangement of pips) which are harder to see.
  2. Play the [6-6] or [1-1] with any tile totaling 7, 8 or 9.
  3. Play the two smallest tiles that total to 7, 8 or 9.
  4. Every hand can be played three different ways, so be careful. Getting a very good high hand can lead to a very weak low hand and result in a tie. However, a more balanced high and low hand can result in a win.

For example, assume are dealt [5-6], [3-2], [6-4], and [4-3]. This can be played as:

  1. [5-6] and [6-4] = one
    [4-3] and [3-2] = two
  2. [5-6] and [3-2] = six
    [6-4] and [4-3] = seven
  3. [5-6] and [4-3] = eight
    [6-4] and [3-2] = five

Clearly, option (A) is the worst hand. But (B) is better balanced that (C) even though it has a weaker low hand.

An Optimal Strategy for Pai Gow was posted by Bernard James Luger III (email: bjliii@leland.Stanford.edu) on 1995 June 15, using the table below. The Pair column is the pair you hold in your hand. The Banker and Player columns tell you when to split that pair, using the other tiles in your hand as a guide. This table is exact for the no commission game, and is almost perfect for the commission game.

PairWhen to Split
Gee Joon (3/6)Any 6 w/ 4, 5, 6
i.e., make a 9-7 or better
Hev. and Earth (2 or 12)God w/ 7, 8, 9
4 w/ 6, 7, 8, 9
(6 or 7) w/ 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
8 w/ 5, 8
MIXED 8 w/ 9
9 w/ 5, 11
This is almost splitting to make a 6-8 or better, but that's not quite perfect
Man (8)(2, 10, 12) w/ 10 or 11
2 w/ 12
9 w/ 11
Long (6)(2, 12) w/ (2, 11, 12)NEVER
Hatchet (11)NEVERNEVER
Long Leg Seven2 and 12
(2, 12) w/ (10, 11)
10 and 11
2 and 12
(2, 12) w/ (10, 11)
FLOWER 10 and 11
Big Head Six2 and 12
(2, 12) w/ (FLOWER 10, 11)
2 and 12
Mixed Nine2 and 12
10 w/ 2, 12
Unpaired 10's
Mixed Eight2 and 12
(2, 10, 12) w/ 10, 11
9 and 11
Mixed Seven2 and 12
(2, 10, 12) w/ 10, 11
Mixed Five2 and 12NEVER

Casinos require there dealers to play their hands according to certain rules ('House way'), just as Black Jack or 21 dealers in Western casino games. Harrah's in Las Vegas uses the optimal strategy as given above, except:

Pi Gao Card Game
  1. They split Heaven or Earth to make 6-8 or better;
  2. They split Sevens as (2, 12) w/ 2, 10, 11, 12;
  3. They never split Long, Big Head Six, or the Mixed Five.

How much is Harrah's giving up? Not much; their 5% commission overwhelms the small differences caused by splitting incorrectly. But, as a player or banker, these rules will save you about 0.1% over the Harrah's strategy. Not much, but hey, it's money!

This is the 'house way' as given by the Australian Casino

  1. When you have two ranking pairs, play the two pairs as two hands.
  2. Never split the following pairs:
      Ngor (High Four)
      Foo Tau (Eleven)
      Mooy (High Ten)
      Hoong Tau Sap (Low Ten)
      Cheong Sum (High Six)
      Lim Lum Lok (Low Six)
      Ban Tang (Low Four)
      Chap Ng (Mixed Fives)
  3. Split:
    Gee Joon (Supreme) with High 6 and 6, 5, 4
    9 and 8, 7, 6, 5, 4
    Teen (Twelve) or Day (Two) with 8 and 8, 7, 6, 5, 4
    7 and 7, 6, 5, 4
    Teen and Day
    Chap Gow (Nines) with Teen/Day and 10
    10 and 10
    Teen and Day
    Teen/Day and 11, 10
    Yun and Chap Paat (Eights) with 10 and 11, 10
    10 and 10
    11 and 9
    Ko Kiok Chaat and Chap Teen
    and Day Chaat (Sevens)
    with Teen/Day and 11, 10
  4. Wongs Gongs and High Nines
    • If no higher play is possible, always play Wong, Gong or High Nine. Even at the expense of the low hand.
    • Play High Nine instead of Gong or Wong and Gong instead of Wong when given a choice.
    • When given a choice of playing a Wong, Gong or High Nine with a Teen and Day, play the Teen on the high hand.
  5. Exceptions to Wongs, Gongs and High Nines
    • Play Gong over High Nine when the fourth tile is four.
    • Play Wong over Gong or High Nine when the fourth tile is eleven.
  6. General Play
    • Bring the low hand and the high hand as close together as possible unless they can be set to a higher value.
    • If the high hand is seven or less play the high tile on the low hand when given a choice.
    • If the high hand is eight or better play the high tile on the high hand when given a choice.
    • Where possible do not play the two highest tiles on the same hand.
  7. Exceptions to General Play
    • High 10. Low 10, any 6 with 2 or 12. Play 0 and 8
    • High 10, Low 10, 11 any 7 or 8. Play 0 and 8 or 0 and 9
    • High 8, High 10, 11 any 7. Play 7 and 9
    • High 6, 5, Gee Joon any 2 or 12. Play 7 and 9
    • High 6, 5, Gee Joon any 7. Play 2 and 9
    • High 6, 5, Gee Joon any 8. Play 3 and 9
    • High 6, 5, Gee Joon any 10. Play 5 and 9
    • High 6, 5, Gee Joon and 11. Play 6 and 9
    • High 6, Low 6, 5 and Gee Joon. Play 1 and 9
    • High 6, 5, Gee Joon and nine. Play 4 and 9
    • High 4, Low 4, 5 any 6. Play 0 and 9
    • High 6, Low 6, 2 or 12 with any 4 or 5. Play 0 and 8 or 1 and 8
    • High 4, Low 4, 5, Gee Joon. Play 7 and 9 with the high 4 on the high hand
    • High 8, Low 8, High 6 with any 7. Play 4 and 5 with the high 8 on the high hand
    • High 8, Low 8, High 4 with any 7. Play 2 and 5 with the high 8 on the high hand
    • High 8, Low 8, High 4 with any 6. Play 2 and 4 with the High 8 on the high hand
    • High 10, Low 10, High 6 with any 7. Play 6 and 7 with the high 10 on the high hand
    • High 4, High 10, Low 4, Eleven. Play 4 and 5 with High 4 on the high hand
    • High 10, High 8, Low 8 and 9. Play 7 and 8 with the High 8 on the low hand.

    The exceptions listed above may also be known as using the format outlined below.

    • If after bringing both hands closer together you have 1 on the low hand and it is possible to make 8 or 9 on the high hand play the eight or nine.
    • If after bringing both hands closer together you have 2 on the low hand and it is possible to make 8 using a Teen or Day. Play the 8.
    • If after bringing both hands closer together you have two tiles in the first six rankings on the same hand and its possible to separate them without altering the point totals on the hands do so.
    • If after bringing both hands closer together you have an 8 with 5, Gee Joon on either hand and its possible to make a high 6 ranked nine or better do so.
    • High 8, High 10, 11 any 7, Play 7 and 9.

Sources of Information

From amazon.com you can obtain Pai Gow Tiles by Michael J. Musante, the classic book on Pai Gow rules and strategy.

You can find other web sites with information on the game, set up by casinos or gambling equipment companies in Las Vegas. You can download a video game version of Pai Gow from ICA Inc. (Box #585; Franktown, CO 80116) from their web site. It will cost you about $10 to upgrade the shareware version to a full working copy or you can order it on a diskette for $14.99 plus $3.50 postage and handling.

There are some other reference books in English on the game, but they are difficult to find since they were usually small print runs.

Allen, George; HOW TO PLAY PAI GOW; 19??; ISBN ?



Zender, Bill; PAI GOW WITHOUT TEARS; 19??; ISBN ?

A set of Chinese dominoes. The top double-row of tiles lists the eleven matching pairs, in descending value from left to right. Below them are five non-matching pairs, worth less than the matching pairs, and also in descending value from left to right. The Gee Joon tiles, lower right, are the highest pair of all.

Pai gow (Chinese: 牌九; pinyin: pái jiǔ; Jyutping: paai4 gau2) is a Chinesegamblinggame, played with a set of 32 Chinese dominoes. It is played in major casinos in China (including Macau); the United States (including Boston, Massachusetts; Las Vegas, Nevada; Reno, Nevada; Connecticut; Atlantic City, New Jersey; Pennsylvania; Mississippi; and cardrooms in California); Canada (including Edmonton, Alberta and Calgary, Alberta); Australia; and, New Zealand.

The name 'pai gow' is sometimes used to refer to a card game called pai gow poker (or “double-hand poker”), which is loosely based on pai gow.



Tiles are shuffled on the table and are arranged into eight face-down stacks of four tiles each in an assembly known as the woodpile. Individual stacks or tiles may then be moved in specific ways to rearrange the woodpile, after which the players place their bets.

Next, each player (including the dealer) is given one stack of tiles and must use them to form two hands of two tiles each. The hand with the lower value is called the front hand, and the hand with the higher value is called the rear hand. If a player's front hand beats the dealer's front hand, and the player's rear hand beats the dealer's rear hand, then that player wins the bet. If a player's front and rear hands both lose to the dealer's respective hands, the player loses the bet. If one hand wins and the other loses, the player is said to push, and gets back only the money he or she bet. Generally seven players will play, and each player's hands are compared only against the dealer's hands; comparisons are always front-front and rear-rear, never one of each.

There are 35,960 possible ways to select 4 of the 32 tiles when the 32 tiles are considered distinguishable. However, there are 3620 distinct sets of 4 tiles when the tiles of a pair are considered indistinguishable. There are 496 ways to select 2 of the 32 tiles when the 32 tiles are considered distinguishable. There are 136 distinct hands (pairs of tiles) when the tiles of a pair are considered indistinguishable.

Evaluations of three basic hands

Basic scoring[edit]

The name 'pai gow' is loosely translated as 'make nine' or 'card nine'. This reflects the fact that, with a few high-scoring exceptions, the maximum score for a hand is nine. If a hand consists of two tiles that do not form a pair, its value is determined by adding up the total number of pips on the tiles and dropping the tens digit (if any). Examples:

  • 1–3 with 2-3: value 9 (nine pips altogether)
  • 2–3 with 5-6: value 6 (16 pips; drop the 10)
  • 5–5 with 4-6: value 0 (20 pips; ones digit is zero)
A Day tile (left) and a Teen tile (right)

Gongs and Wongs[edit]

There are special ways in which a hand can score more than nine points. The double-one tiles and double-six tiles are known as the Day and Teen tiles, respectively. The combination of a Day or Teen with an eight results in a Gong, worth 10 points, while putting either of them with a nine creates a Wong, worth 11. However, when a Day or Teen is paired with any other tile, the standard scoring rules apply.

Gee Joon tiles[edit]

The 1-2 and the 2-4 tiles are called Gee Joon tiles and act as limited wild cards. When used as part of a hand, these tiles may be scored as either 3 or 6, whichever results in a higher hand value. For example, a hand of 1-2 and 5-6 scores as seven rather than four.


The matching pair of eights (left) is worth more than the non-matching pair of eights (right). If a hand contained one of the tiles on the left and one of the tiles on the right, these would not form a pair at all, since the tiles that make pairs are defined by tradition.

The 32 tiles in a Chinese dominoes set can be arranged into 16 pairs, as shown in the picture at the top of this article. Eleven of these pairs have identical tiles, and five of these pairs are made up of two tiles that score the same, but look different. (The latter group includes the Gee Joon tiles, which can score the same, whether as three or six.) Any hand consisting of a pair outscores a non-pair, regardless of the pip counts. (Pairs are often thought of as being worth 12 points each.)

When the player and dealer both have a pair, the higher-ranked pair wins. Ranking is determined not by the sum of the tiles' pips, but rather by aesthetics; the order must be memorized. The highest pairs are the Gee Joon tiles, the Teens, the Days, and the red eights. The lowest pairs are the mismatched nines, eights, sevens, and fives.


When the player and dealer display hands with the same score, the one with the highest-valued tile (based on the pair rankings described above) is the winner. For example, a player's hand of 3-4 and 2-2 and a dealer's hand of 5-6 and 5-5 would each score one point. However, since the dealer's 5-5 outranks the other three tiles, he would win the hand.

If the scores are tied, and if the player and dealer each have an identical highest-ranking tile, the hand is ruled a copy and the dealer wins. For example, if the player held 2-2 and 1–6, and the dealer held 2-2 and 3–4, the dealer would win since the scores (1 each) and the higher tiles (2-2) are the same. The lower-ranked tile in each hand is never used to break a tie.

There are two exceptions to the method described above. First, although the Gee Joon tiles form the highest-ranking pair, they are considered to have no value when evaluating ties. Second, any zero-zero tie is won by the dealer, regardless of the tiles in the two hands.


The key element of pai gow strategy is to present the optimal front and rear hands based on the tiles dealt to the player. There are three ways to arrange four tiles into two hands when no two of them form a pair. However, if there is at least one pair among the tiles, there are only two distinct ways to form two hands.

Pi Gao Card Game Games

There are three ways to arrange these tiles into two hands.

Using the tiles shown at right, the following hands and scores are possible:

Pi Gao Card Game Card

  • A and B (0), C and D (0)
  • A and C (5), B and D (5)
  • A and D (3), B and C (7)

The player must decide which combination is most likely to give a set of front/rear hands that can beat the dealer, or at least break a tie in the player's favor. In some cases, a player with weaker tiles may deliberately attempt to attain a push so as to avoid losing the bet outright. Many players rely on superstition or tradition to choose tile pairings.

See also[edit]

External links[edit]

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Pai Gow.
  • Pai gow lore at Wizard of Odds website (Michael Shackleford)
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